Libertad para los presos políticos y respeto a los derechos humanos en Cuba
Intelectuales y artistas demandan al presidente de Cuba libertad para los presos políticos y respeto a los derechos humanos
11-J, Malecón de La Habana / Foto: Rialta
Cerca de 250 intelectuales y artistas de varios países firmaron una carta pública para exigir al presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, la liberación de los presos políticos y el respeto de los derechos humanos en la isla, en particular, tras el estallido social acontecido el 11 de julio último.
Entre los firmantes cubanos se encuentran la artivista Tania Bruguera, otros artistas visuales como Sandra Ceballos, Sandra Ramos, Flavio Garciandía, el músico Paquito D´Rivera, los cineastas Manuel Marzel y Fausto Canel, el ajedrecista Lázaro Bruzón y los escritores Abilio Estévez, Gustavo Pérez-Firmat, Daína Chaviano, Marcial Gala o Ramón Fernández-Larrea.
La nómina incluye figuras internacionales como el filósofo español Fernando F. Savater, el actor cubanoestadounidense Andy García, el psicólogo y escritor canadiense Steven Pinker, y los escritores Achy Obejas (cubanoamericana), Lina Meruane (Chile), Hans Christoph Buch (Alemania), Edmundo Paz Soldán (Bolivia), Antonio Ortuño (México), Rosa Montero (España), entre otros.
A continuación, reproducimos el texto íntegro de la misiva, en español e inglés.
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Sr. Presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez:
Con esperanza y preocupación hemos observado las masivas protestas del pasado 11 de julio en Cuba. Esperanza porque una parte significativa del pueblo cubano por primera vez dejó oír su voz al unísono exigiendo la libertad y los derechos de los que hasta ahora han carecido y porque lo hicieron de forma pacífica y al mismo tiempo clara y firme. Sin embargo, hemos visto con preocupación y disgusto la respuesta brutal que usted y el gobierno que representa han dado a tales manifestaciones, negándose a oír los sencillos reclamos de su pueblo y llamando directamente a la violencia y la represión de unos ciudadanos contra otros.
Sr. Presidente, no se esfuerce en presentar a aquellos que protestaron como mercenarios al servicio de Estados Unidos. Reconozca en esas protestas la voz de un pueblo hastiado de falta de libertades, de mal gobierno y de estrecheces de todo tipo. No niegue que esas decenas de miles que protestaron en toda la isla son parte de un pueblo que ya no se identifica con el proyecto que propone y que se atreve a decirlo en voz alta pese a los riesgos demostrados que entraña hacerlo. Desde el pasado 11 de julio no tiene sentido hablar de unión monolítica entre su gobierno y su pueblo como no tiene sentido negarles la patria a los que protestan y ofrecerles en cambio muerte, represión y silencio.
No se engañe ni nos trate de engañar. Es hora de que Cuba avance por caminos diferentes a los que usted y su gobierno les han trazado a los cubanos. Para ello es imprescindible que se les respete su derecho a manifestarse y a elegir su destino, en lugar de buscar nuevas maneras de reprimir al pueblo cubano y silenciarlo. Para demostrar su respeto por los derechos de sus compatriotas debe empezar por liberar al más de medio millar que a un mes de las protestas siguen en prisión o están siendo procesados por participar en ellas y, junto a ellos debe liberar a todos los cubanos que están en prisión por manifestar su desacuerdo con su gobierno. Si le importa tanto el pueblo cubano como la revolución que se hizo en su nombre empiece por escucharlo, por no reprimirlo cuando hable.
Mr. President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez,
With hope and concern, we observed the massive protests in Cuba on July 11. We watched with hope because for the first time, a significant portion of the Cuban people let their voices be heard in unison, demanding the freedom and rights they have so far lacked, and they did so peacefully, clearly, and firmly. However, we have watched with concern and disgust the brutal response that you and your government have imposed on such demonstrations, refusing to hear the simple demands of the Cuban people and calling directly for violence against the protesters.
Mr. President, do not attempt to portray those who protested as mercenaries in the service of the United States. Recognize that in those protests are the voices of people who are fed up with their lack of freedoms, bad government, and hardships of all kinds. Do not deny that those tens of thousands who protested throughout the island are Cuban citizens who no longer identify with the project you are proposing and who dare to say so out loud despite the proven risks involved in doing so. Since the protests of July 11, it makes no sense to speak of a monolithic union between your government and the Cuban people, just as it makes no sense to deny the homeland to those who protest and offer them death, repression, and silence instead.
Do not fool yourself or try to fool us. It is time for Cuba to move forward along a path different from the one that you and your government have laid out for the country. To do so, it is imperative that you respect Cubans’ right to demonstrate and choose their destiny, instead of seeking new ways to repress and silence your people. To demonstrate your respect for the rights of your compatriots, you must begin by releasing the more than half a thousand Cubans who, a month after the protests, are still in prison or are being prosecuted for participating in them. Along with them, you must release all Cubans who are in prison for expressing their disagreement with your government. If you care so much about the Cuban people and the revolution that was made in their name, begin by listening to them, and not repressing them when they speak.
Tania Bruguera, artist
Rosa Montero, writer
Fernando F. Savater, philosophy professor (retired), writer
Andy García, actor
Steven Pinker, psychologist and writer
Edmundo Paz Soldán, writer
Antonio Ortuño, writer
Dan Perjovschi, artist
Dario Lopérfido, former Minister of Culture of Argentina
Paquito D’Rivera, musician
Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia, writer/professor
Javier Gomá Lanzón, writer
Alberto Barrera Tyszka, writer
Alejandro de la Fuente, historian, professor
J.J. Armas Marcelo, novelist
Louis Franz Aguirre, composer
Keila Val de la Ville, writer
Manuel Díaz Martínez, poet
Flavio Garciandía, artist
Gustavo Pérez-Firmat, writer/profesor
Carlos Eire, historian, professor
Armando Lucas Correa, writer
Legna Rodríguez Iglesias, writer
Rolando Sánchez Mejías, writer
Mauricio-José Schwarz, writer, journalist
Hans Christoph Buch, writer
Daína Chaviano, writer
Juan Carlos Méndez Guedes, writer
Lina Meruane, writer
Marina Perezagua, writer
Carlos Manuel Alvarez, writer
Xavier Bonilla (Bonil), cartoonist
Achy Obejas, writer
Lucyna Gebert, professor
Irena G. Gross, historian, writer
Marta Petrusewicz, professor, historian
Krystyna Piotrowska, artist
Gustavo Acosta, artist
Humberto Calzada, artist
Joanna Olech, writer
Anda Rottenberg, art historian, writer
Mirosław Tryczyk, philosopher, writer
Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, professor, cultural antropologist
Gleyvis Coro Montanet, poet
María Elena Hernández, poet
Odette Alonso, poet
Mónica Baró, journarlist
Francisco Morán, writer
Néstor Díaz de Villegas, writer
María Susana Azzi, writer
Lili Rentería, actress
Carlos Cano Escribá, musician
Iván Acosta, playwright, filmmaker
Marcial Gala, writer
Jorge Luis Arzola, writer
Jesper Henrik Holmen, composer
Jossianna Arroyo-Martinez, professor
Ivette Rodríguez Santana, psychoanalyst
Nat Chediak, producer
Juan Miguel Pozo, artist
Jorge Ángel Pérez, writer
Rubén Ríos Ávila, writer/professor
Eduardo López-Collazo, researcher
Nancy Calomarde, professor
Cezanne Cardona, writer/professor
Yesenia Selier, researcher/ dancer
Kalí Rodríguez -Peña, musician
Amaury Gutierrez, músico
Irela Roldán, dance professor
Carlos Pintado, poet
Sonia Cornuchet, singer
Francisco Gattorno, actor
Amir Valle, writer
Sonia Labrador Rodríguez, professor
Carlos A. Aguilera, writer
Vanito Brown, musician
Roberto Tito Otero, documentalist and professor
Rafael Vilches Proenza, writer
Rubie M. Horton, lawyer
Nanne Timmer, professor/writer
Magdalena López, professor/writer
Carlos Pabón Ortega, writer/professor
Abilio Estévez, writer
José Lasaga Medina, philosophy professor
Jorge Brioso, writer
Ángel Esteban, writer
Jorge Ignacio Domíguez, editor
Cezary Łazarewicz, journalist
Ulises Gonzales, writer, editor
Jesús Miguel Díaz Álvarez, professor
Pablo Martín Ruiz, professor
Paul Firbas, professor
Ricardo Ramos Tremolada, writer
Yansi Pérez, professor
Angel Santiesteban, writer
Celia Pérez Ventura, professor
Yurién Ribot, professor
Dennys Matos Leyva, curator
Alejandro Hernández, engineer
Kahlila Chaar-Pérez, researcher, librarian, activist
Alfredo Triff, writer, musician, professor
Florencia Garramuño, professor
Yannelys Aparicio Molina, professor, writer
Álvaro Fernández Bravo, professor, researcher
Néstor E. Rodríguez, professor
Pablo Brescia, professor, writer
Alen Lauzán, cartoonist
Quetzal Acosta Maduro, journalist
Israel Ruiz Cumba, retired professor, poet
Benjamín Mayer Foulkes, psychoanalyst
Juan Carlos Rodríguez, professor
Roberto Poveda, musician
Margarita Pintado, associate professor
Ernesto Chao, filmmaker
Manuel Zayas, filmmaker
Lourdes Dávila, professor
Lazaro Bruzón, chess grandmaster
David D Omni, musician
Omar Mena (El Analista), rapper
Julio Llópiz Casal, artista
Maya Islas, poet
Kenneth Prewitt, professor
Robert Y. Shapiro, professor
Claribel Terre Morell, writer
Gustavo Rodríguez (Garrincha), cartoonist
Boris Larramendi, musician
Ivette Falcón, musician
Carmen Peláez, playwright
Mabel Cuesta, professor/writer
Eliecer Jiménez, filmmaker
Ernesto Fundora, filmmaker
Claudia Salazar, writer
Felipe Lázaro, editor, poet
Guillermo A. Belt, lawyer
José Manuel Martínez-Cañas, gallery owner
Geandy Pavón, artist
Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, professor
Gustavo Forero Quintero, writer
Marino Berigüete, writer
Armando Chaguaceda, sociologist, professor
Carlos Aníbal Alonso, editor, researcher
Hernán Milla, musician
Ani Mestre, journalist
Jorge Dalton, filmmaker
Ana Victoria Pérez (Bebé), actress
Myrka Dellanos, television and radio host, author
Leo Arocha, actress
Fausto Canel, filmmaker
Carlos Quintela, filmmaker
León Ichaso, filmmaker
Manuel Marzel, filmmaker
Carlos Lechuga, filmmaker
Lynn Cruz, actress
Klementyna Suchanow, writer, editor, activist
Ewa Karwan-Jastrzębska, writer
Sandra Ceballos, artist
Sandra Ramos, artist
Ariel Cabrera Montejo, artista
Armando Guiller, artist
Carlos Estevez, artist
Pedro Vizcaíno, artist
Sandra Cordero, artist
Douglas Arguelles, artist
Alexis Romay, writer
Rosario Pérez Cabañas, poet
Evelyn Ramón, composer, singer
Ernesto José Cañabate Reyes, psychiatrist
Lilo Vilaplana, filmmaker
Danuta Kuroń, activist, member of the trade union Solidarity
Jacek Kleyff, poet, composer, actor
Andrzej Titkow, filmmaker
Grzegorz Gauden, journalist, member of the trade union Solidarity
Anka Grupińska, journalist, writer, activist
Sergiusz Kowalski, sociologist, journalist, member of the trade union Solidarity
Eugeniusz Smolar, journalist, activist
Konstanty Gebert, journalist, activist, member of the trade union Solidarity
Anna Wolff-Powęska, professor/historian
Melissa Martínez, musician
Rubén Mendoza, publicist
Anna Kushner, translator
Ketty de la Iglesia, actress
Hugo Pezzini, writer
Angel M. Díaz, professor
Pedro Lázaro Suárez, guitarrist
Luis Alberto Mariño Fernández, violinist, composer
Judith Nemethy, professor
Aline Sánchez Rodríguez, dancer
Stefan Gerritsen, guitarrist
Catherine Veillon-Guilloux, writer
Ernesto Santana, writer
Alvaro Galmés Cerezo, architect
Higinio Marín Pedreño, professor
Mikołaj Łoziński, writer
Sarah Jacobson, professor
Niels Christian Rasmussen, composer
Clara Rico Oses, professor of musicology
Mathias Reumert, musician
Irina Escalante Chernova, associate professor
Fanny Alofs, singer
Arsenio Rodríguez Quintana, writer
Ramón Fernández-Larrea, writer
Luis Bofill, singer
Angel Delgado, artist
Miriam Celaya, journalist
Francisco Yobino, producer
Ricky Castillo, musician
Tomás Castellanos, communicator
Mayda Cuéllar, musician
Jorge Solino, filmmaker
Madelca Domínguez, editor
Enrique Del Risco, writer
Eglise Gutiérrez, opera singer
Javier Olondo, musician
Ester Fuchs, professor
Janet Batet, art historian
Camilo Venegas, writer
Alejandro Aguilar, writer
Alejandro González Acosta, historian
Meyken Barreto, art historian, curator
Jairo Alfonso, artista
Gilberto Ruiz Val, artist
Daniel Jordán, economist
María A. García, editor
Rolando Pérez, professor
Jacqueline Herranz, writer
Malva Flores, writer
María Padilla
Daylet Domínguez, professor
Manuel Barcia, historian, professor
Mari Rodríguez Ichaso, filmmaker
José Quiroga, profesor, writer
Nils Longueira, critic
Sergio Lerma
Laura Lerma
Pablo Lerma
Odalys Villa.
Ricardo Hermelo
Mariana Segovia
Ani Mestre
Graciela Guindlin
Omar Preza
Tomas Preza
David Morell
Claudia Peiro, journalist
Vivian Lofi
Alberto Lauro, poet